
Hot Hitiki Yuzu Comfort

280 ml


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Hot Hitiki Yuzu Comfort

Between oranges, lemons, and grapefruits - Yuzu is a unique citrus fruit. It is mainly originated in Japan and mostly used in making aromatic products and food items.

Hot Hitiki Yuzu Comfort is one of the popular items made of this citrus fruit Yuzu. It is a small, yellow fruit. It has a sour taste and a strong aroma, like a mixture of lemon and grapefruit.

The flavor of this fruit is very versatile and can be used to make various foods and spices. Yuzu has a floral aroma and also a tartness of lime. The aroma of this fruit is difficult to define. It can be described as floral with notes of honey and lemon blossom. Enjoy the flavorful taste of this genuine natural product itself with this refreshing drink.

Hot Hitiki Yuzu Comfort is a refreshing drink. It is the fusion of yuzu juice, honey, and sugar. It has a fresh and delicate sweetness that is easy to drink.

This is a refreshing and easy-to-drink product made with yuzu juice and honey from Tosa Reihoku. Tosa Reihoku is located in Shikoku Saburo, the source of the Yoshino River. So, while producing the drink, the clean water from this river is used.

  • Hot Hitiki Yuzu Comfort is a fusion of aromatic citrus Yuzu juice from Kochi prefecture and acacia honey. This is a straight-type drink with a yuzu aroma and a slightly sweet taste of honey.
  • There are no extra additives, food colors, or preservatives. Only raw materials of the purest and finest quality are used. So anyone can enjoy the natural taste of yuzu to the fullest extent.
  • It is sweet, easy to drink, and has a smooth taste. The bitter taste and aroma of yuzu goes gently down the throat.
  • You can enjoy it anytime and anywhere when you want to get a refreshing drink. so it is highly recommended after sweating, such as after exercise or a shower.
  • This product has an expected shelf life of 6 months.